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Our Services


We require a minimum of 48 hours’ notice when cancelling or changing the date of a service. If less than 48 hours’ notice is received, the service will be charged in full.

Older Persons Counselling Fee (OPC)

Please check with your Home Care coordinator, they can check your available budget and review allocation of funds with you. If there are not available funds in your package, you can pay for your counselling services privately. Your coordinator will help you get in touch with our friendly, experienced counsellors to set up an initial appointment.

Tiqvah Counselling and Wellbeing Services

ACN 677 860 678

ABN 32 677 860 678

I can work with NDIS plan managed or self-managed clients. NDIS Support Services.

I am  a member of the Australian Counselling Association - The peak body for Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Australia.

  • Police, Fire or Ambulance – 000

  • 13 Yarn (an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support line) 13 92 76

  • ​Mensline - 1300 78 99 78

  • Beyond Blue. 1300 224 636

For counselling after-hours or for emergencies please call:

  • Youth beyondblue 1300 224 636 (ages 12–25)

  • Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 (up to the age of 25)

  • Mental Health Triage (SA) -13 14 65

  • Lifeline - 13 11 14

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